Minor Security Red Team
This is the portfolio for my Minor in Cyber Security. Here you can find the Personal Development Evaluation per criteria.
Personal Development - Proficient
I have a filled portfolio with outcomes and got positive feedback from my teachers.
Technical skills - Proficient
My technical skills have been proven in my portfolio thus far, social engineering will be added later, as we are still working this out.
Procedural skills - Proficient
I start every subject with a research, this is evident in my portfolio, as I give some background on the subject before I dive into the practical part.
Technical R&D - Proficient
My portfolio contains a chapter about my work on the R&D project, exactly describing what I have done in the R&D project.
Methodical R&D project - Proficient
My portfolio contains a chapter about my work on the R&D project, this describes my steps taken in the methodical research.
Collaboration and Communication - Proficient
My portfolio contains a chapter about my work on the R&D project.